I only had to wait 15 minutes, but then it took three hours to finish all that I needed to do. Word of note, if moving from out of state, contrary to what is on the CA DMV website, get a smog check done for your car! I had to leave the DMV for a bit to go get a smog check.
Written test for the DL was easy. The only thing I missed was the specific form you had to fill out (and TURN in yourself - the police wont do it), if you're involved in an accident that has less than $750 worth of damage to either party. Other than that, piece of cake.
So now I'm licensed in California to ride a motorcycle and drive a car! BTW, for those of you who think that Registration fees in HAWAII were expensive, think again. My reigstration fee for my car in HI with a VANITY plate was only $180. Here, its $200 without a vanity plate. Great. In the space of two months, I've spent $380 on just registration alone. EEK. Add on the $45 per year smog check fee, and well, its just hella more expensive to drive here. I've yet to see what insurance is going to cost me.
So, once my mortorcycle gets here, what vanity plate should I get? The one I used in Hawaii (and happily handed over to a DC Gal), is already taken and every variation I can think of is taken. So I need suggestions. What kind of vanity plate should I get?
Im a chick (duh)
I ride a 2005 Yamaha R6
I like to drag race (and will be looking into it doing that here)
Anything else you need to know? Just post a comment..
Thanks all
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